Pacific Roots Open Mic

Apr 15, 2020Moments

Post open mic night pics with friends.

January 2020 photos from Alafaga.


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Lovin’ on the hour

Lifestyle Motherhood Photo Diaries Travel

Life Lately: 5 months of change and evolution

Helloooo there. It's meeeee. Nerelleeeee. It has been a hoot of a while — and I have missed this space...

sunrise shoot with these beauties a couple weekends ago  

Create Lifestyle

My website has a new look!

It's taken me ages to design something that I feel is representative of my aesthetic, and I'm excited to share...

new (love) couch

love seat. lovingggg our new couch, and on each other. if this is adulting, i am here for it.
Journal Lifestyle Moments

TLDR: Late night babbling

Not that you asked, but up late again, listening to lofi jams, sipping on water, cruising the internet, and babbling...

So much to upload

So little time. Forgot about this session with Mareike that I need to post! There were so many good moments.
Journal Lifestyle

JOURNAL 6/52: (Christmas) Best Thing That Happened This Week

It’s the week between two of my favorite holidays - Christmas and New Year - so it's only natural that...

Shakespeare Bridge

SESSIONS: The Trautz Are Expecting!

A mini session of Ko'olina & Randy who are celebrating their one year together as Mr. & Mrs., and are...

Ian's got the best laugh
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Quarantine Diaries: Saving money during coronavirus frenzy

The coronavirus is causing catastrophe across the world... on the vein of financial impacts, I’ve luckily been able to save...
Photography Travel

Night Sky in Ofu-Olosega

An enchanting picture-perfect reminder of the magnificence and awe I feel every time I have the pleasure of staying in...

Morning coffee on the At Last


Boat on fire

You guise! A purse seiner boat caught fire on Wednesday and basically all of Fagatogo was covered in smoke all...
Culture Moments Travel

Candid scenes on the Samoan streetside

Candid snaps around the coast of Upolu, Samoa. From our trip last weekend.

Fun “Office” Day at Fagatele Bay

A fun "office" day at Fagatele Bay with the NMSAS science team. I absoltely love when I'm able to get...
Mood Board

Monday Day Dreaming

Happy Monday friends! It's that time of the week again. A brand new day to start again, or to continue...

What we did in Uluwatu

Day 2 in Uluwatu... think surf vibes, beaches on beaches on beaches, lavalavas, and food with a view! How we...