
Jul 19, 2018Moments


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Photography Travel

Night Sky in Ofu-Olosega

An enchanting picture-perfect reminder of the magnificence and awe I feel every time I have the pleasure of staying in...

Coconuts and Jenga – Ofu Evenings

My days in Ofu are usually spent on the beach, biking through To'aga, or hiking Mt. Tumu. But the evenings...

Just the occasional phone photo dump…

Here's a pano from my last night in Ofu. Trying to finish up all my Ofu posts so bear with...

A Little Big Island Adventure

Went with a group of friends on a little adventure... scratch that, it was a BIG island adventure. Something we’ve...
Create Lifestyle Sustainable Living

Zero Waste Kit for Beginners

Have you heard of Zero Waste? There are a lot of reasons to consider going zero waste. For me, it’s...
Moments Motherhood

Babymoon camera roll

I’m reliving these precious moments and memories from my babymoon. Slowing down the pace, and breathing in, and out. Letting...

New notebook

Trying to draw/paint/sketch more the next couple of weeks

He made it all happen

Ok so I didn't realize it until probably Sunday night, but Ian actually read my post from last week (8...
Lifestyle Travel

Snorkeling at To’aga Beach – Part 1

The underwater marine life in Ofu is just beyondddd! I have amassed quite a few photos of fish and here's...
Photo Diaries Photography

Afternoon at Fogama’a

Photo journal from earlier this year. A very lovely afternoon spent at Fogama'a Cove with friends. We sat in the...

Charles at Fatu Ma Futi

A few weeks ago with Gabs and Charles — playing around with poses at Fatu Ma Futi right before we...
Culture Lifestyle

Pacific Roots Open Mic #12

It's been over a year since the last Pacific Roots Open Mic. Fresh new talents got up and spilled their...
Create Lifestyle

4 easy tips for a sustainable home

A sustainable lifestly starts at home. These are just four little changes you can make at home that help reduce...

SESSIONS: Kate & Taylor / Sunrise besties

Life is better with friends... What are your friendships like? This one is silly, loving, and adventurous! Dedicated teachers turned...

Rainy Day cat naps


DIY Upcycled Tahiti-Inspired 2-Piece Outfit

My best friend was doing a closet clean out, and this bright red puletasi skirt stuck out among the pile,...

Throwback to 2018, while aboard the Sea Casa for a pleasure cruise, thanks to Captain Connor. This landscape view of...


Afternoon tea with Charity and Aunty Solo last weekend. Char made yummy finger sandwiches, and homemade peanut butter cupcakes. I...

Scuba doodling

Create Lifestyle

Dusk Colors with this Gauguin Girl

Putting feelings down in color. It’s messy and the colors are wonky, but I kind of liked it that way....