Aug 9, 2019Moments

the weekend. It feels like ages since I’ve had a proper weekend to unwind from routines. Probably because the last couple months have departed from routines with my FP travels and the Nautilus cruise. It’s so nice to be home though, enjoying QT with my cutie. We’re binge-watching Versailles because we’re on the last season, and Ian’s leaving on Thursday for a couple of weeks–he’s going to Ofu, and I really wish I could go too, but it’s yet another busy month for me at work and I can’t shuck my duties that easily. Ah and there I go talking about work again… nope! I’ve made a to do list for the weekend that’s basically all self-care and treat yo’self activities so I’m vvvv motivated to tick some boxes!

PS – is listophile a real word?

Anyway, this was from today. Driving down the coast and taking this burst photo out my window.

I couldn’t choose which one so here’s both.


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