Apr 30, 2020Moments

Ian made me soup and got me all cozied up in bed when I was sick a few weeks ago.


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This time last year

Our trip to Samoa. And in less than a week, we're going back!

Life Lately: Weekend Blurb

Weekend blurbs and random thoughts... Who sings this? Ian at Rose Atoll. I don't have my camera right now. Midnight...

Made it to Tahiti


"I love when you read a book and you become so emotionally invested in it, and when you walk around...

All I want is a wild love and a curious life

And I am so grateful to have both This was me at "work" today 🤗 Got to go to Fagatele...

Create: February on Paper

February was a good month for my creative process. I’m essentially rekindling my childhood passion for all things analog and...

Even just 20 minutes of vacation is so good for the soul
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Sunrise Sistas

Me and Gabs snapped some pics real quick before breakfast a couple weekends ago.
Create Journal

Creative Journal Log

Journal spread from this past weekend. I've been having so much fun doing these daily creative journals. See more of...

Bless Monday holidays. Exploring my home like a tourist because all the shops and the museum are actually open on...
Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Catching Up with Myself

A lot has happened in just the last couple of months, and can you believe that it’s the end of...

My heart burst at how cute this is!
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

A Sunny Home Tour

The morning sun is up in the sky, streaming through the windows at home. I am always inspired by the...

Captain Relly


Tiny waves and long weekends

I have been craaaaving days like these - bright skies and clear waters. I'm always more appreciative when I'm out...


So absorbed down here. pc: Ian M

Saturday 2.24.18

Right before snorkeling at Gataivai

Weekends Living LifeProof

Snaps of me and our pup Yodi in the Pala Lagoon a couple weekends ago, featuring my new LifeProof swag......

Gabby, Nacho, and Libre