
Oct 6, 2019Moments

American Samoa’s first TEDx talks on Tuesday, October 1st 2019.

Big thanks to Samu’s Ice Cream for sponsoring me and Ian’s tickets!


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New Zealand: Our Cozy North Shore AirBnB

Just about fell in love with the entire NZ north shore because of all the little tidbits of good homey...


Went diving this weekend

And so cool because at 72 minutes, it was my longest dive yet! We went with Hanae and JB (his...
Lifestyle Motherhood

A Tropical Beachy Baby Shower

10.10.2022 I feel soooo lucky to call this place home, surrounded by some of the best friends a gal could...

Stickers are here! And so is the online shop!

For the last two weeks, I've been busy working on another part of my website: setting up an online shop...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

LA Christmas prep

12.09.2021 — A few days after we arrived in Los Angeles, Ian and I got in the Christmas spirit. My...

A Letter to You, the Reader

Thank you. Whoever you are, wherever you may be. I am thankful for your presence here and the time you...
Create Sustainable Living

DIY Beeswax Wraps ft. Alafaga

It's 2019 and I’m still committed to making steady strides in sustainable living. Enter Beeswax fabric wraps, a DIY project...

The iPhone really be stepping up it's phoneography game! Take a live photo of any body of moving water and...

I adore my niece and nephew. And I adore that my husband is adored by my niece and nephew.

morning moon set

The moon setting at 6am yesterday. Peaceful moments chillin' in the net hammocks by the lagoon.

TGIF Christmas Weekend

TGIF! And that feeling you get when you get off work, it's Friday, and you're SO looking forward to the...
Photo Diaries

Reasons why I need to wake up early more often

Reasons why I need to wake up early more often. The way the mist envelopes Matafao. The reflection of the...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Coming out of quarantine, social distancing still

We are officially done with our mandatory 14-day medical home quarantine! We can finally leave the house, still remaining socially...



Babbling: Almost 25

I turn 25 in a month and I’m scrambling to cross off some personal goals one by one that I wrote...

View from Aoloau

June 2018. Filed under Moments.
Culture Lifestyle Travel

Photo Diary: Aunu’u Getaway

Aunu’u is a quiet little island just 15 minutes away by ‘alia. Thank you to Peter Taliva'a for welcoming us...
Journal Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Attempting to Sate My Travel Wanderlust at Home

I've missed the feeling of traveling... having a new destination to go to and taking the scenic route. So we...

Sunny productive and lazy weekends

Installed a new exterior door. Painted our interior doors. Bought coconuts from a road stall. Went SUPing. Snorkeled around the...