Baking is bananas

Apr 20, 2020Create, Lifestyle

Banana coffee cake with streusel topping

I’ve been low-key craving banana coffee crumb cake after trying a slice of a keto version that my office manager baked some time ago. I would’ve loved to make a keto cake but couldn’t figure out good carb-free ingredient substitutes with all these stores running out of supplies. Not that we’re out of supplies or anything… In fact, we’ve been able to get all our necessary groceries consistently since starting quarantine. It’s just always a bit more difficult to find no/low-carb options. Thank goodness for the roadside makeki stands too, for having fresh niu and misiluki bananas for 2 bucks a bunch. 

Regardless of the fact that this is my first time baking (or one of the first times, I don’t recall a previous first time), I severely underestimated the time it would take to make this dang cake. I followed this recipe I found on Pinterest, and two hours later—I truly don’t understand why it took me so long when the recipe said it was only 10 mins prep—I popped it in the oven and waited for the magic to happen. Ian braved the uncertainty of my baking abilities with the first taste test… 

And the verdict is in…

It’s edible! Not just edible, it was also quite (dare I say) delicious! To prove Ian’s non-bias, I took half the loaf next door and had my best friend Jabs sample a slice… and she said it was equally moist, firm, walnutty, sweet-but-not-too-sweet, and overall better than average! My favorite part is the streusel topping.

As you can see, I’m in no short supply of unbiased taste testers, hahaha.

I’m honestly very pleased with myself, and shooketh, because it makes me wonder, who the heck do I think I am!? Martha Stewart over here, sans the crochet jail poncho.

Made two batches—one last night, and one this morning—because I bought a small 6×6” baking pan, and the recipe called for a 9×6” pan. Both were equally yum, even though one was thinner than the other.

And there you have it folks, she (meaning me) can indeed bake!

Hope you’re all safe and well.



    • nerelle

      Hahah yes they’re really tiny! It’s called “misiluki” bananas here, and they are sweet and delish!


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