Aug 25, 2019Moments

Snorkeling with Yodi


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Lifestyle Moments

Coco’s Picnic Party

Cheers to Colette! Styled this little picnic party with a couple girlfriends to celebrate Coco's birthday. The night air was...
Moments Photo Diaries

sunset, happy hour, dominoes

The sun finally peeking through all the gray from this week. Sunset, happy hour, and dominoes on the balcony with...
Journal Lifestyle Moments

26 Lessons I’ve Learned in 26 Years

Oh, Life is a strange and wonderful thing, isn't it? It's a funny teacher, that's for sure! And in my...


The man of my dreams just turned 29 ✨ Love to love you, old man baby boy.
Journal Lifestyle

Life Lately: Let Me Upgrade You

Hello hello! It's been a verrrry long while since I've sat down to ramble and write out my life lately...

while waiting for ian at the paddling races September 21, 2019

Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Catching Up with Myself

A lot has happened in just the last couple of months, and can you believe that it’s the end of...
Photo Diaries Travel

Snorkeling To’aga Lagoon

Photos from a morning of snorkeling at To'aga lagoon. September 2020. Not much to say here, just let the photos...

02.09.19 What a funky day it's been. I woke up early thinking I was going to go hiking, but it...
Moments Photo Diaries

Throwback moments on the camera roll

Exactly what the title says. Raking through a few highlight moments on my iPhone from the last couple of months...

Blabbing to unwind for a little bit

Ah what a lovely weekend it has been. Finally got to really relax the last couple of days - getting...

A brief travel journal of Pape’ete, Tahiti

Maeva and bienvenue to the tropical city of Pape'ete in Tahiti. Greeted at the airport with leis by Rick and...

Last night, I asked my neighbor's 7 year old daughter "T" if she remembered my name, and this is what...

Summer’s coming

The tradewinds are calming down. It's bittersweet knowing that summer is on its way. I'll miss the breeze but I...

Things I ate

March 8 / March ate
Journal Lifestyle Moments

Life Lately: Balance and making time to blog for myself

I'm here and there these days. Lots of busy-ness, even in this small island life. Looked through some old posts...

Ian-credibly Blue

This lagoon and my hubbo looking sooo good in blue. Honeymoon Day 1 in Ofu

Cat out of the closet


Sleepy animals

on the balcony