Apr 21, 2019Moments

Mostly blurry shots from the Nikonos underwater film camera we used while we were in Ofu, but some great memories! Thanks Rick for sending these down – I really love the colors.


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Lifestyle Photo Diaries

Fogama’a iPhone Pics

More iPhone pics from yesterday's hike to Fogama'a with friends spent wading in the calm shallows, laughing and debating about...

Today at work #sanctuaries

Sailed the marine sanctuaries of American Samoa with the E/V Nautilus last week, and it was an incredible experience. I...
Create Lifestyle

5 Ways to Power Through a Creative Slump

I've been in a creative rut lately, so I’m working on getting my motivation up while setting my mind to...
Lifestyle Photo Diaries Travel

Hiking an old historic Mt. Alava trail

The hike was pretty hard, but we went slow, enjoying the breeze, and admiring the plants. I'm excited to learn...

Conus litteratus

She lives and loves by the ocean, carefully choosing her treasures amongst all the pretty things nature has forged with...
Lifestyle Moments

Why I started Moments

To bring back the good old Tumblr vibes. To record the little snippets of life. To keep me writing candidly...

sunday brunch

Lifestyle Photo Diaries

This rainy day is temporary

This rainy day is temporary The contrast is why we got ’em ‘Cause sunshine due is just a cloud away......
Lifestyle Sustainable Living

Life Lately: A busy bee still stings

Oh man it’s been a hectic past few weeks! All of June has blurred by with non-stop general busy-ness and...

yesterday we went out on the boat for the annual whale surveys conducted by Dr. Jooke and Dave Mattila. Unfortunately...

Just ordered our wedding invitations! So excited to get them in the mail, write out our little notes to everyone,...

Life Lately: Ill & Will

It’s been a hot minute. I fell ill, so that's my excuse. It's a brand spankin’ new year, it’s summertime...

A Letter to You, the Reader

Thank you. Whoever you are, wherever you may be. I am thankful for your presence here and the time you...
Lifestyle Moments


A love note to myself and my BODY about confidence. Hey girl, heyyy! You look good... REAL good... (read more)

SESSIONS: Suli Sataua Slays Prom 2017

Suli Sataua slayed in her prom dress! Her senior prom theme: fire and ice. But no doubt, when she mixes...

Sun Safe Selfie

My friend Traci does social media for the AS Cancer Coalition and for the month of May, she has a...

Weekends Living LifeProof

Snaps of me and our pup Yodi in the Pala Lagoon a couple weekends ago, featuring my new LifeProof swag......
Lifestyle Travel

Scenes around Vaoto Lodge: Ofu Photo Journal

Welcome to a photo journal that depicts my experience at Vaoto Lodge. Between family, friends, and strangers, Vaoto Lodge is...

This time last year

Our trip to Samoa. And in less than a week, we're going back!