Adventures with Shivaun: Part 1

Jun 25, 2018Lifestyle

After last weekend’s clothing swap, our friend Shivaun (who is leaving the island soon) spontaneously decided to take a drive around the island in the back of the truck… because if you know American Samoa at all, you’d know that riding in the back of the truck with friends is one of those special little things about this place.

None of us really had any plans for the rest of the day so we all jumped in the back of Ryan’s truck and took off. We drove east first towards Samu’s for homemade ice cream goodness.

Then went west, because we don’t go to the west side nearly enough. Made a pit stop at a local market stand for a quick coconut drive through.

Got to Amanave and pulled over the side of the road to enjoy our cold coconuts (we brought our own metal and bamboo straws!), and took some silly photos.

“Sometimes you gotta just feel your feelings…” that’s what this light of a human told me yesterday at her tofa.

It’s a weird thing when it’s time to go and the past 2 years feel like a blur. But we’re all travelers on the road of rediscovery and I hope you never stop searching for your dharma Shivvy! Love you my girl and I’ll see ya in Sconsin or absolutely anywhere I can

See Adventures with Shivaun: Part 2, where we hang out in Aoloau.

Also, our Clothing Swap that morning was a lot of fun.


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